Lately I’ve been compelled to write something updating my take on the current state of state affairs as my perspective is a little better informed with the benefit of hindsight.
That’s not to say I’ve changed my values, but I do want to backpedal a little bit in regards to the shaming I’ve done toward supporters of Trump.
Okay, I get it. That’s what I really want to say.
I understand why you voted for him. I really do. I don’t mean that in a sarcastic or snarky way.
I understand why you voted for him. I really do. I don’t mean that in a sarcastic or snarky way.
First of all, what other choice did you have? Right?
The democrats gave us one of the worst candidates in history.
That is to say, the party made the decision FOR US that Hillary was the candidate we wanted. A person who embodies everything that is wrong with this corrupt system and a promise to keep business as usual and the usual just isn’t acceptable anymore.
I didn’t vote for her either. My conscience wouldn’t allow me to do so and I have never forgiven her or any other member of the congress of 2003 that voted to give W a blank check to invade Iraq.
This guy comes in, funding his own campaign and promising change, deriding all the Washington politicians including those in his own party, appealing to the frustrated masses with a “you have every right to be outraged” rhetoric, and turning the whole election process into a circus, flipping the whole system on its head. What’s not to like?
Well, that’s the part that scares so many people. Endorsements from the KKK, talks of discriminating against people of certain religions, special task forces being formed to round up undesirables, … the list of reasons he scares people goes on and on. If you’ve ever read a history book this stuff should scare you.
But let’s give him the benefit of doubt. What if his motivations are altruistic? What if he is trying to correct an imbalance of power from within? What if he’s not a puppet of Vladimir Putin?
If so, then great! Good luck with that, but you have to admit, things are not going well for Trump. The republicans have never been so incapable to accomplish their agenda points with a majority in the house and senate. I mean, they look like the democrats who are always too disjointed and wishy-washy to get anything done.
So I guess what I want to say is, if Trump can “drain the swamp” as he put it, and somehow turn the government toward the will of the people and away from the corruption of power, maybe he can make America great again.
Then again simian flight may emerge from his rectal cavity.
I just don’t buy it. I wish I could, but I just can’t. It’s a matter of someone telling you what you want to hear. Basically … it’s called being a politician. Let’s not pretend that he’s not taking advantage of an opportunity to make himself much richer in the process as well of course.
My point is I don’t blame any of you. Your gloating was disgusting, but the circus has been entertaining albeit unnerving and downright frightening at times.
And what I take away from this whole experience is this: Those who were in power before are still in power now. Just like Obama’s promise to close Guantanamo Bay on his first day in office, there are certain campaign promises the REAL bosses won’t let you fulfill. We are seeing this play out again under Trump.
Anything that divides us and creates anger and unrest is allowed, such as building a wall or deporting aliens. That division serves as a great distraction while important things like addressing corruption just seems to evaporate.
We just keep watching the circus and sharing memes on social media. If you want some cognitive dissonance to make you feel better you have the option to watch Fox News and they’ll tell you just what you want to hear no matter how far it is from the facts.
As for the "liberal media" … that’s a word made up by people like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’reilly to apply to ALL mainstream media and that’s just a load of crap. There are some extremely left-wing media sources, but there are still a lot of real journalists out there trying to get to the bottom of the story and give us the facts. Fox News is not doing that. They are out to support the Trump administration no matter how wrong it goes. That’s called propaganda.
That’s fine because it’s just entertainment. In fact, the whole system is just entertainment. We don’t really have a choice when it comes to our electoral process and that’s what has become clearest in this haze of circus smoke and mirrors. There are those who are running the show and then there are the rest of us pretending that we all have an equal voice and that we will be heard. Sadly, it’s just not true.
Don’t believe me? Where is Bernie?