Okay, it has been a while since I last wrote anything and a long time since I wrote consistently. I grew tired of my own “voice” and the feeling that I was preaching to the choir and that perhaps even the choir wasn’t listening anymore.
In a country that failed to properly recognize the importance of unbiased journalism and the difference between that and editorial commentary, I felt there was already too much noise. Everyone was just screaming at their own choir and nobody was listening, but now I can’t help feel at least a tiny bit guilty for shirking my responsibility as a writer and as a citizen. After all we all have our own part to play in this life, however small and insignificant it might seem.
There are a lot of people waking up to the fact that we are all connected in this way, while at the same time many have been lulled into a dark nightmare of fear and hatred. As our country descends into a dark age at best, and perhaps the end times at worst, I cannot be silent any longer.
Let me lay it out for you as I see it:
The real problem with the U.S. government is that for the past 50 years or so it has been increasingly owned and controlled by wealthy interests. I don’t see the point in listing the major offenders here. If you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about you really shouldn’t be voting or engaged in the process at all until you educate yourself.
Most of us have become disillusioned with our notion of a truly representative government because we’ve seen how the agenda is always set by the largest campaign contributors and no regard is given to the wishes of the citizenry. No regard is given anymore to the health and well being of the citizenry as well. No regard is given to the vanishing middle class and the burdens of a corporatocracy exploiting working class people who already know the american dream is dead.
The final death nail came from the Supreme Court decision “Citizens United” in which corporations were granted the ability to freely and without limit corrupt politicians in every race. At this point we were completely cut out of the process.
I want to think that most people understand that’s why life has continued to get more difficult. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t pay close enough attention to what’s going on.
So medical care is unaffordable to anyone except the wealthy, necessitating expensive health insurance which lead to a corporate-friendly solution that mandated everyone purchase this expensive coverage. Wages have been successfully held down for 30 years while inflation continues to grow. College for a working-class family will incur crushing debt for young people.
Why was this allowed to happen? Can it be more obvious?
So what is the solution? Leaders with the courage and conviction to take on the REAL powers that be and do what’s right for their constituents? Of course, but they seem hard to come by.
So the stage was set for a strong man to come in and fix everything … and/or a con man. Using this frustration and some good old strawman fear mongering he manipulated those who didn’t care that he was a disgusting human being into voting for him. This is where dictatorships come from.
So we elected a fascist who has come in and begun dismantling the U.S. government from the inside, walling us in under the guise of protecting us from foreigners, reinstating a policy of torture and creating new agencies tasked with rounding up large numbers of undesirables.
What the fuck were you thinking America? Where do you think this is going to lead? More freedom? Less government intrusion?
He’s a billionaire businessman. You gave the chicken coop to the fox. Instead of a corrupt politician you elected the piece of shit who corrupts politicians.
I hate to be the one to explain this, but very dark times are ahead. I’m not clairvoyant (as far as I know), but it’s pretty obvious that all it will take is one big terrorist attack, provocation by an unfriendly nation (the list will be growing quickly), or simply a “false flag” attack and you will all lose anything that remains of your rights and freedoms.
At best you can expect corporate america to bend you over and fuck you harder and deeper than ever before and on the other side of this administration there will be very little left of what was once a great democratic republic.
I don’t just disagree with your political opinions if you voted for this monster. I disagreed with you when you elected Bush, but I respected your opinion. This is different. You chose fascism over democracy. I do not respect that choice.
I’m frightened for my family and friends, but as a vet who once believed in the promise of this country and its constitution when I was a wide-eyed naive young man, my heart is broken over the death of what was once great.